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Difference Maker Ventures

Difference Maker Ventures is a new program made possible by our Kainos initiative.

Not only does Houston's First have a wide variety of ministries offered by the church, but our church family members have created ministries on their own as they followed their passions and God's leading in their lives. Here are some ministries and organizations that were all started by former or current Houston's First members:

  • C.H.A.R.M. Prison Ministries
  • Every Village
  • First Place For Health
  • Freedom Church Alliance
  • Inspire Women
  • Living Proof Ministries
  • Memorial Hermann Health System
  • Star of Hope
  • Trinity Classical School

Remember that each of these started as an idea — just like the idea you might have right now! These ministries all started small as their founders stepped out in faith to follow where God was leading them.

Who Will Be Next?

Now, Difference Maker Ventures (DMV) aspires to engage even more members of Houston’s First who have an interest in and vision for starting a ministry that will ultimately share the love of Jesus Christ to those the ministry serves.

We know there are great ideas out there among our church family and we want to be part of making them happen!

Through DMV, church members can apply for funding to help their ministry go from being a dream to a reality. Beyond the financial resources, DMV will also provide counsel to these start-up ministries to help them navigate toward a successful launch.

How Do I Apply?

click to apply

The process begins by completing the online application form above. On that form, you'll be asked several questions about your ministry concept.

  • You can download a PDF of the form here and use it to prepare your answers before completing the online form. This is an optional tool provided for your convenience.

Once the online form is submitted, our DMV team will review your vision and ideas. Then, you will hear from them with feedback about your application.

If they want to know more about your concept, they will schedule a face-to-face meeting with you. Finally, they will determine if your application has four critical facets:

  • Viability
  • Quality Leadership
  • Clear Message for Sharing the Gospel
  • Sustainability

Be sure to read the FAQs below to learn more about eligibility, the application process, how funding works, and more.


If you have additional questions after reading these FAQs, you can submit those questions here.

What types of projects are funded?
There are so many ideas out there, we could not limit the scope of DMV by identifying specific types of projects upfront. We look forward to seeing your creative ideas! That said, we will evaluate projects and applications based on four critical facets:

  • Viability
  • Quality Leadership
  • Clear Message for Sharing the Gospel
  • Sustainability

Who is eligible to apply?
DMV applications must be members of Houston’s First Baptist Church. If the applicant is a minor and is not a member, at least one of his or her parents or legal guardians must be a member of the church.

How do I apply?
To apply, complete the online Difference Maker Ventures application form here. You can download a PDF of the form here and use it to prepare your answers before completing the online form.

Is there a deadline?
Applications can be submitted at any time throughout the calendar year.

How long is the application process?
After the application is submitted and reviewed by the DMV team, if the application meets the requirements, a meeting will be set up to discuss the next steps and to hear more details on the ministry idea.

If I am not chosen, can I apply again?
Each application will receive a response from the DMV team if they are not chosen with an explanation. If you have a future idea for ministry, you may apply again.

Who determines which applications receive funding?
The DMV team consists of deacons and other business and ministry leaders in our church.

How much funding is provided?
The Kanois initiative has funded $250,000 for this ministry. Each application that meets the criteria will be funded based on the individual needs of the ministry.

Is this a loan that needs to be paid back?
No, this is not considered a loan that would need to be paid back.

What accountability measures are in place to ensure funds are used as expected?
The DMV team will require quarterly updates while the funds are being used.
