Sun, May 18
2:15–2:45p — Ceremony
2:45–3:15p — Cookie Reception
Parent Commitment is a celebration! It is a celebration for parents of children under 24 months old who have demonstrated a commitment to God through salvation in Christ and church membership and who have demonstrated a commitment to each other through biblical marriage. For those parents, this ceremony is a way to publicly express their desire to raise their child in a Christian home – committed to the Truth of God’s Word, valuing the role of a church community and seeking to model Christ to their child.
Parents must attend First Camp, along with their child, prior to participating in the ceremony. First Camp assists parents in starting well as the primary disciple-makers in the home. Also, all parents will learn about opportunities to serve in the Preschool Ministry as a way of learning practical discipleship tools for their own child.
Our Parent Commitment Ceremonies are led by Pastor Gregg Matte to celebrate the commitments of parents and the wonderful gift of children. Following the ceremony, parents who are not currently serving in the church will be encouraged to serve in the Preschool Ministry once a month as a way of making a difference in the local church.
Registration is required to participate. In order to maintain the intimate nature of the ceremony, space is limited.
Registration closes on April 16.
Please contact with any questions.
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