Memorial Woods Drive will be closed due to road construction on Sunday. All on-site lots are open, but please expect a modified traffic pattern and possible congestion getting in and out of campus on Sunday morning.
Avoid traffic congestion by parking at the MarqE (across I-10) and riding the shuttle door-to-door.
See a map of routes and parking options here.

Financial Report

Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA)Houston’s First Baptist Church is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), an accrediting organization that is dedicated to helping Christian ministries and churches uphold high standards of responsible stewardship. For more information, visit

Financial Report

The monthly financial report is compiled by Finance staff members and subsequently submitted to and approved by the Finance Committee, the Deacon body, and church members at the monthly Church Conference.

Current Financial Report

Comments regarding the December 2021 financial report for the 2021-2022 fiscal year (July 1–June 30):

  • Contributions through December 2021 were $15,150,781 for the fiscal year.
  • Expenses through December 2021 were $15,609,548 for the fiscal year.
  • Houston's First Baptist Church had a deficit of $458,767as of December 2021 for the fiscal year.

Questions about this report should be directed to the Financial Services Director Anne Kemp at

Great Commission Fund

The Great Commission Fund is the operating budget of Houston's First Baptist Church. The Great Commission Fund for 2021-2022 fiscal year (July 1–June 30) totals $15,150,781 thanks to the continuing generosity of the Houston's First family and numerous other contributors to the ministry of our church.

GROW — $6,035,000 (18%)

Life Bible Studies, Pastoral Care, Men’s and Women’s Ministries, NextGen, Membership Services

GATHERING — $5,880,000 (18%)

Worship, Production, Communications, Pastoral, CornerBooks, Celebration, School of Fine Arts

MISSIONS — $5,112,000 (16%) *

Missions Department, Denominational Support, International and Domestic Missions, Woodhaven, Faith Center, partners serving the Poor, Widows, Orphans, Prisoners, and Refugees

CAMPUSES — $6,747,000 (21%)

Cypress, Downtown, Español, Sienna

OPERATIONS — $6,024,000 (18%)

Property Insurance, Church Calendar, Operations, Financial Services, Culinary Services, Weddings/Special Events, Security, Transportation, Facilities, IT, Capital Improvements

ADMINISTRATION — $ 2,126,000 (7%)

First Baptist Academy, Deacons, Counseling, Administration, Recreation, Hunt Retreat, Human Resources

CAPITAL RESERVE — $750,000 (2%)



* MISSIONS — This is the operating budget given to Missions. In addition to these funds, Missions also receives, on average, more than $5 million annually in designated giving from contributors (an amount not included in the operating budget numbers shown here). The Missions-designated funds support missional causes throughout our city, nation and world.

Financial Integrity and Accountability

Houston's First believes strongly in financial integrity and accountability when it comes to the resources entrusted to us by contributors to the church's ministry.
  • On a monthly or bi-monthly basis, financial reports are presented to the Finance Committee, the Deacon body, and to the church members at the Church Conference. These reports are posted above for public access.
  • On an annual basis, the church brings in an independent auditing firm to conduct an audit of our financial records and practices.
Anyone may attend the Church Conferences, but only members of Houston's First may vote on matters presented for a vote. Church Conferences are typically held during the evening on the first Wednesday of the month at The Loop Campus. Minutes from previous Church Conferences can be found here. To confirm the next scheduled Church Conference, contact Gracie Turrubiartes at