Gather at The Loop Campus or online on Sundays at 9:15a, 11a, or 5p.
Find streaming links and other resources when you PLAN YOUR VISIT.

Holidays at The Loop

The Christmas season is a time to celebrate the birth of our Savior along with friends and family. This year, we invite you to celebrate along with the Houston's First family at The Loop Campus.

Christmas Eve

Pastor Gregg invites you to celebrate Christmas Eve at candlelight services on Tue, Dec 24 at 1p, 3p & 5p!

  • No programming (including childcare) for children of any ages
  • Thru the Roof Special Needs programming will be available at the 1p service

If you're unable to worship in person, gather with us online or watch the service on KHOU Channel 11 at 7p or KPRC Channel 2 at 11:30p.

    New Year's Eve Weekend

    Gather with the Houston’s First family for worship on Sun, Dec 29 at 9:15a, 11a & 5p before the new year begins!

    • Guest Speaker BrIan McCormack will speak at all services
    • Life Bible Studies will not meet
    • There will be programming for children 3 years old and under
    • There will be no Thru the Roof Special Needs programming

      Holiday Events

      Scroll through the upcoming opportunities at Houston's First!