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Kainos Launch (2021)

Jesus Makes All Things New



Sienna CampusFaith Centers

Houston’s First is looking ahead with a spirit of anticipation about what God is going to do next in our church. Time and time again — from generation to generation — He has done immeasurably more than we could have ever imagined. He calls us to new adventures, and He is faithful to see us through them.

Today, our church family enjoys the fruits of the generosity shared by those who came before us. Countless people throughout our long history gave and sacrificed so that facilities could be built, ministries could be launched, and lives could be forever changed by the Gospel.

Now, the Houston’s First family is called upon to invest in new endeavors that will impact people today and for decades to come. At the same time, we are calling upon the Lord to do a new work in each of our lives, too. Let us join together, united in Jesus’ name, and embark on this new adventure as we experience the truth that He makes all things new!


Pastor Gregg delivers a five-week message series based on the life of David found in 1 Chronicles 28-29.


Below you'll find a viewable and downloadable PDF of the Kainos book, as well as PDFs of the Message Notes, LBS lessons, Kainos Moments, and Prayer Focuses for each week.

Download: KAINOS Booklet
