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Part 1: The Armor of God

Gregg Matte – May 10, 2015

Pastor Gregg Matte continues in Eph 6:13-15 calling us to see we are in a battle, but the fight is not against your spouse, your neighbor, or your boss…it is against the spiritual realm. We are not helpless though, Jesus has won this war. So, in victory we stand in the strength of the Lord taking on the full armor of the Lord. We start with the Belt of Truth, believing God is right, and then we put on the breastplate of righteousness, acting on God’s truth and have feet shod with the Gospel bringing the aroma of Christ everywhere we go.

Message Details

Gregg Matte

About the Speaker

Gregg Matte is the senior pastor of Houston’s First Baptist Church. Under his leadership, this historic church founded in 1841 has moved... read more

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Part 2: The Armor of God

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The Math of Prayer

Part 2: The Armor of God

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Spiritual Warfare

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