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The Oaks

Legacy 68:5 Family Connection Center

The Oaks Family Connection Center exists to provide specialized therapeutic care for kinship, foster and adoptive families in the greater Houston area. Through our partnership with Legacy 68:5’s Connection and Equipping Initiatives, we are uniquely positioned to offer accessible, affordable, holistic and trauma-informed care.

Our multidisciplinary team is ready and waiting to come alongside families in distress through professional counseling, parent support, occupational and speech therapies, legal assistance and more. At The Oaks, our mission is to prevent crisis by cultivating deep healing connections for every member of the family unit.

We hope our center comes to feel like home to individuals and families who have felt misunderstood, overwhelmed, and unsure of the next step. We pray that all who walk through our doors will feel safe, seen, secure, and supported. We regard this work as a sacred trust and holy honor.

Thank you for welcoming our team into the life of your family.

Deeply Rooted,

Receiving care form

If you would like to partner with us to create an inviting therapeutic space for children and families, please consider purchasing from our Amazon wishlist.

Meet Our Staff

The Oaks Team
Megan Moursund

Megan Moursund

The Oaks Director

Julie Ploetner

Occupational Therapist
Leslie Salazar

Leslie Salazar

Hospitality Coordinator
Ann Marie Denson

Ann Marie Denson

Clinical Therapist
Ashley Shantharaj

Ashley Shantharaj

Clinical Therapist

Stacie Maudlin

Insurance Specialist

Mark Mayfield

Clinical Therapist
Megan Moursund

Megan Moursund

The Oaks Director

Julie Ploetner

Occupational Therapist
Leslie Salazar

Leslie Salazar

Hospitality Coordinator
Ann Marie Denson

Ann Marie Denson

Clinical Therapist
Ashley Shantharaj

Ashley Shantharaj

Clinical Therapist

Stacie Maudlin

Insurance Specialist

Mark Mayfield

Clinical Therapist