Thru the Roof is the Special Needs Ministry of Houston’s First Baptist Church. We believe it is all part of God’s plan to care, love and welcome children and adults with special needs into our church fellowship and community. Therefore, we consider it a privilege to offer Life Bible Studies, buddies for children, and a well-trained staff of volunteers and caring individuals to make Sunday the best day of the week for your family member.
Thru the Roof is open to friends of all ages with disabilities at 9:15a and 10:45a every Sunday. All are welcome to attend both “hours” so family members can enjoy their own Life Bible Studies and worship services!
Great! We look forward to meeting you! Before your first visit, we encourage all parents, guardians, or caregivers of loved ones with special need to please fill out our Guest Registration Form. This information allows our team to plan accordingly and equip our volunteers with your information so that your first time at Thru the Roof is as great as we all want it to be — and as your special someone deserves! The completed form can be emailed to our team at, or brought to Rm 329 at The Loop Campus on Sundays.
In the meantime, stay in touch with us on Facebook!
The Children — Thru the Roof provides a place where our children are seen and discipled as God intended. They have classrooms intentionally designed to meet their specific needs. Thru the Roof also offers an option of full-inclusion with the aid of peer age volunteers called "buddies."
Parents and Siblings — Thru the Roof gives our parents the opportunity to reconnect with each other and to participate in our relevant biblical community without worrying about the care of their children. Parents have the opportunity to attend Life Bible Studies, worship services, or volunteer in opportunities throughout the church. For the siblings of our kids, we encourage them to participate in age appropriate opportunities in First Kids and The HUB ministries. For Thru the Roof, it is all about making sure everyone is welcome and has a place in the kingdom!
Thru the Roof is open on Wednesdays @ 5:45–8:30p, following the MidLink schedule.
First-time visitors to Thru the Roof should check-in at the Thru the Roof Suite (Rm 329) on Level 3 at The Loop Campus. Parents and guardians will be assisted in filling out paperwork that allows us to care for your family member to the best of our ability.
Our children's classrooms are equipped with trained volunteers and buddies. We provide weighted vests, sensory boxes, headphones, music, movement, a Bible story lesson and lots of fun! Snacks are provided as well, and we offer GFCF snacks. If you'd like to provide a snack for your family member, it must be labeled.
Should we need to contact you during Life Bible Study, the worship service, or any other time we are caring for your family member, we will call/text you. When ready to pick up your family member, he or she must be picked up in the Special Needs Ministry Suite unless other arrangements are in place.
Thank you for your interest in serving in Thru the Roof at The Loop Campus!
Thru the Roof serves individuals with special needs of all ages. Attendees are grouped in three different life stages: young children, teens, and adults. The following roles are needed for each of these three groups:
Adult Leader — Teaches a Bible lesson or assists the teacher. Intervenes if learner needs assistance with behavior or sensory regulation. Assists learners with participating in classroom activities and following visual schedule. Worship inclusion opportunities are available in partnership with First Kids.
Buddy (ages 11-17) — Shadow and engage your assigned learner. Help your learner be successful in their classroom, be their voice if needed, and encourage them to play with others and have fun!
Caregiver (Paid Worker) — Helps to meet the primary needs of each learner: snacks/water, restroom, health, sensory, and spiritual. Facilitates Bible story, activities and scripture verse. Assists each Buddy to successfully pair with their learner, and models proper assistance, if needed.
Need help choosing your campus? Email us or call 713.681.8000.