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Open Door Mission

Off Campus

Who We Are and What We Do:

Open Door Mission is a faith and evidence based recovery and rehabilitation facility dedicated to transforming the lives of the most severely addicted, destitute, homeless and disabled men in our community.

Get Involved:

On-Call Volunteering/Weekly/Monthly: We are looking for people who can volunteer on a regular basis, or on call with a short notice, to complete timely and important projects.

Tutors for Literacy Education: The Mission is in need of male tutors to teach literacy 2-3 times a week in the afternoons for residents in the DoorWay Recovery Program.

Mentors Needed: The Mission is in need of mentors for the residents in the DoorWay Recovery Program and the Educational and Job Training Program.

Food Service Volunteers: Assist preparing meals for the hungry.

Long-term Opportunities: Can you volunteer 16 hours a month? We have positions available to long-term volunteer positions in mentoring, tutoring, admin assistant positions.

For more info visit


Open Door Mission is a faith and evidence based recovery and rehabilitation facility dedicated to transforming the lives of the most severely addicted, destitute, homeless and disabled men in our community.

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