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A Mission of Encouragement

May 20, 2020

Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

— Joshua 1:9

Houston’s First member Jaqueline Stewart served alongside her late husband Pastor Roy in ministry for 30 years and she has a heart for evangelism. As our church family has gathered online for worship each week, she shares messages from Houston’s First with her fellow senior citizens to encourage them during the coronavirus outbreak.

Stewart continues to keep in touch and minister to family, church, and community in Alabama that she was formerly a part of for 48 years. She regularly shares Pastor Gregg’s messages with them.

“I share my notes from Pastor Gregg’s messages with the ladies over the phone since they don’t have computers. One is 84 and the other 86 and they live in a retirement home in Alabama. I just encourage them and remind them that we are the salt and light of the world.” Stewart explains. “We can’t do much like we did when we were younger but we can be prayer warriors for those we know and I encourage them to encourage others.”

Stewart watches the service twice and makes sure to take notes so she can be prepared when she shares the message with others.

“I watch the service on the TV with the help of my son-in-law Ron. I get on my computer to listen to the service a second time and that is when I take my notes from the sermon,” Stewart shares. “I type them up so I will have the scriptures written out so when I am sharing the sermon with others, I can use that scripture and sometimes an example that Pastor Gregg gave.”

She also shared the message from our Broken For You service the Thursday before Easter with a friend from Alabama who is retired military.

“I have another friend from Alabama who is older than me and is a retired military man. I sent him the link to the Broken For You message where Major (Ret) Jeff Struecker spoke so he can listen to it,” Stewart says. “I told him I think he would enjoy listening to the message.”

As she shares the messages with others, she continues the legacy she began with her husband.

“Before my husband went to be with the Lord, he said to continue the mission that we started,” Stewart shares. “He said you are not done until the Lord calls you home. So I’ve taken the baton and moved forward with it. I will continue to be a prayer warrior and encourager and whatever else the Lord calls me to do until I meet Him face to face. My mission is not finished on this earth until I take my last breath."


On Mission

Shaping the Next Generation

Our Love Has No Limits!

"My Life Verse"

What to Expect When You're an Expectant Parent

Moved by Faith

Overcoming Obstacles

World Mission Offering Results

Day of Pentecost

On Mission

Shaping the Next Generation

Our Love Has No Limits!
