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Easter Ideas from Team Matte

Apr 06, 2020

Dear Houston’s First family,

Who could have imagined not gathering in person as a church on Easter? Yet, among the many things we’re missing out on during this season, let's not lose sight of God's sovereignty and what we might gain through this experience if we trust in Him!

For those of you with small children who may be looking for creative ways to celebrate the Resurrection, we wanted to share with you a craft that we did with ours for many years called "The Easter Mountain" found in Treasuring God in Our Traditions by Noël Piper. You can find the recipe and some photos below. (No small children at home? You're still welcome to do this!)

It was fun to get a little messy making it while also magnifying the meaning of this sacred season. If you do not have pipe cleaners for stick people, be resourceful and use something else like twist ties or paper cutouts taped on toothpicks.

Use the finished play dough mountain to depict the Easter story. On Good Friday, place the Jesus figure on the cross and lay Him into the grave under the mountain with a rock covering the entrance. On Sunday morning, remove the cross and have the stone rolled away with the Jesus figure standing victoriously on top of the mountain. Light candles symbolizing the Light of the world is alive and sing songs of praise!

May this be a blessing to you and yours and may we always remember because Jesus has risen, so will we!

Two other ideas to consider doing this week:

  • Find a simple recipe for making unleavened bread for the Lord's Supper on our Broken For You page, then join with us online for this special service on Thu, Apr 9, at 7p.
  • We have heard that many Christians are placing a red ribbon on their door to symbolize Christ’s blood and the Old Testament Passover.

Whatever you choose to do, let’s set our hearts towards the Cross and Resurrection.

Blessings to you from our family to yours this Easter,

Pastor Gregg and Kelly

Making An Easter Mountain

Recipe adapted from Treasuring God in Our Traditions by Noël Piper


  • 4 cups of flour
  • 1.5 cups of salt
  • 1.5 cups of water
  • 1 Tbs oil

Mix ingredients and knead. Add small amounts of water as needed until the texture is right.


  1. Use two sticks bound together with twine or string to make a cross about five or six inches tall.
  2. Shape the whole lump of play dough into a mountain.
    • The size will be determined by the volume of you play dough.
    • Leave an opening on one side into the "cave" that will represent the tomb, using your fist or a soup can to hold the space open.
  3. Press the cross into the top of the mountain to form a hole deep enough to stand the cross in.
    • Make the hole a bit larger than the actual stick circumference because the hole will get smaller as the mountain bakes.
    • Set the cross aside.
  4. Twist toothpicks into the dough or press fork tines randomly around on the hill to make "footholds" for chenille stick people.
  5. Press the rock that will cover the tomb against the opening, to shape a better fit.
    • Set the stone aside.
  6. Bake at 250º for four to five hours.
    • When cooled, color as desired with paint or markers.


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