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Nabeel Qureshi

Sep 18, 2017

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Our friend and fellow church member Nabeel Qureshi was called home to heaven by his Savior on Sat, Sep 16, 2017. A celebration of his life and ministry took place on Thu, Sep 21, at 10a (CDT) at The Loop Campus of Houston's First Baptist Church (7401 Katy Freeway).

The Houston's First family had grown to love and respect Nabeel over the years as he faithfully and boldly shared the Gospel as a guest speaker at our church. When he was diagnosed with stomach cancer in 2016, he and his family moved to Houston for treatment — enabling our church family to provide support, encouragement, and prayer for the Qureshis in person.

The Gospel Coalition provides a wonderful overview of Nabeel's journey from Islam to Christianity, his ministry as a follower of Jesus, and his journey through cancer. Ravi Zacharias, a friend and mentor of Nabeel, shared his thoughts in The Washington Post about why this Muslim-turned-Christian resonated with so many people. We encourage you to read these pieces to see and celebrate all that the Lord did through Nabeel in his short 34 years.

Please pray for his wife Michelle and their young daughter Ayah, asking the God of all comfort to embrace them with His unending love. While we grieve for the loss of our friend Nabeel here among us, we grieve with hope knowing that he is restored and healed — and that we as followers of Jesus will see him again.

Memorial Service

You can download the program that was handed out at the service here.

Nabeel's Messages at Houston's First

Houston's First was blessed to have Nabeel as a guest speaker three times — including once in 2017 while he was undergoing treatment for cancer.

Praying with Faith

Apr 9, 2017

Death and Life in Jesus

Oct 2, 2016

From Islam to Freedom in Christ

July 5, 2015


Year-End Giving

On Mission

World Mission Offering

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"My Life Verse"

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Moved by Faith

Overcoming Obstacles

Year-End Giving

On Mission

World Mission Offering
