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Pastor Gregg's words about Harvey

Sep 06, 2017

From Pastor Gregg

LOVE FIRST: Life In The Storm

Pastor Gregg's message on Sun, Sep 17, continued our look at how we can heal from Hurricane Harvey.

LOVE FIRST: Healing from Harvey

Pastor Gregg's message on Sun, Sep 10, looks at how we can heal from Hurricane Harvey.

LOVE FIRST: Handling Hurricane Harvey

Pastor Gregg's message on Sep 3 — the first Sunday following Hurricane Harvey — is filled with comforting and challenging words for our church and anybody impacted by the storm.

HLN TV Interview

Pastor Gregg was asked to appear in a live interview on HLN TV on Fri, Sep 1 — providing him an opportunity to share a much-needed message of hope.

Facebook Live

Beginning Sun, Aug 27 — as the waters from Hurricane Harvey started to rise across Houston — Pastor Gregg Matte began sharing updates and encouraging words via Facebook Live on his Facebook page. Here are all of his messages so far — each providing an encouraging word and an update on our LOVEFIRST Disaster Relief efforts at Houston's First.

Tue, Sep 12 @ 1p

Previous Live Videos


On Mission

Shaping the Next Generation

Our Love Has No Limits!

"My Life Verse"

What to Expect When You're an Expectant Parent

Moved by Faith

Overcoming Obstacles

World Mission Offering Results

Day of Pentecost

On Mission

Shaping the Next Generation

Our Love Has No Limits!
