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Resources & Media


Blended Family Newsletter — Subscribe to our newsletter here.

Connect Online — Connect with us on Facebook here.

FamilyLife BlendedFamilyLife Blended is the most trusted resource for stepfamilies in our country. You can rely on the content and research that has been put into these resources. You will find books, podcasts, articles and videos on any topic related to stepfamilies you are looking for and be able to know that you are getting solid biblical advice. Stay connected with this ministry on Facebook here.

Genograms for Blended Families — Becoming a blended family is a journey. By taking a Blending.Love online assessment you can create a customized map of your blended family to help guide your journey. Answer a series of questions, and visualize the complex biological, legal, and emotional bonds that make your family unique. Fill out the form to request a code to start your family map.

Julianna Poor Memorial Counseling Center — The Julianna Poor Memorial Counseling Center provides biblically based, clinically competent, and Spirit-sensitive counseling, promoting the emotional, psychological, and spiritual health of individuals, marriages, and families. We seek to help with personal and interpersonal problems through the application of biblical truths. Are you engaged? Ask for the Preparing to Blend track for couples that are starting a blended family. Contact the Counseling Center at 713-335-6462.

Stephen Ministry Stephen Ministers are lay leaders from Houston's First congregation, that will provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to individuals in the church and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. Contact Pastoral Care at 713-957-6760.


  • The Smart Stepfamily, Ron L. Deal, MMFT
  • The Smart Stepfamily Marriage, Ron L. Deal, MMFT and David H. Olsen
  • The Smart Stepdad, Ron L. Deal, MMFT
  • The Smart Stepmom, Ron L. Deal, MMFT and Laura Petherbridge
  • Preparing to Blend, Ron L. Deal, MMFT
  • Building Love Together in Blended Families, Gary Chapman, PhD and Ron L. Deal, MMFT
  • In Their Shoes, Helping Parents Better Understand and Connect with Children of Divorce, Lauren Reitsema
  • The Smart Stepfamily Guide to Financial Planning, Ron L. Deal, Greg S. Pettys, David O. Edwards

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