Gather at The Loop Campus or online on Sundays at 9:15a, 11a, or 5p.
Find streaming links and other resources in our SUNDAY TOOLKIT.

First Kids - 5p

1st-5th Grade

Kids' Worship

Worship should be a positive experience for children. Whether they are listening, participating, or leading, worship is a vital part of the Christian life. In Kids’ Worship, we want to attract children to a life filled with song, scripture and age-appropriate spiritual maturity, regardless of talent. Along side our First Kids Life Bible Studies, Kids' Worship is the other half of Sundays for kids at Houston's First.

Coming to the 5p worship service? Drop your 1st-3rd grader off for Kids' Worship beforehand. They will be led to their Life Bible Study at 6:30p.

  • 1st–3rd graders worship together in “The Clubhouse” Rm 303
  • 4th-5th graders will worship with their parents in the Worship Center.

A snack/small dinner is provided at the end of Kids' Worship

Sunday Evening Programs

Children in the 1st-5th Grades will enjoy Life Bible Studies designed just for them! We meet in the Clubhouse with grades 1-3 during Kids Worship time. Then they split for bible time into grades 1-2 and grades 3-5.

Visiting for the first time? Great! First-time guests can stop by the Welcome Desk on the First Kids hallway for assistance in finding the right Life Bible Study.

Life Bible Study Details

Kids' Worship
