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Caregiver Ministry

Common Ground

Common Ground is a place and time for Caregivers like you to meet, talk, share, learn, and receive the support needed to take care of yourselves, so you can provide the best care possible to a family member or friend.

Common Ground is a free Caregiver assistance program of Houston’s First Baptist Church partnering with Interfaith CarePartners. Common Ground is available for Caregivers of persons with dementia and Caregivers for persons with other diagnoses and conditions.


Every 1st Mon of the month @ 10a–1:30p — The Loop (Rm 261)

Common Ground monthly support meetings are led by Chris Jee. For questions, please contact Debbie Portilla at or 713.957.6763.


For More Information:

Please contact Debbie Portilla at 713.957.6763, or simply fill out the form below: