Gather at The Loop on Sundays on campus or online at 9:30a, 11a, or 4p.
Find streaming links and other resources when you PLAN YOUR VISIT.

Memory Loss Support

The Gathering Place

Mission Statement: To provide individuals experiencing memory loss and their caregivers with a gathering place of love, hope, and dignity in an encouraging Christian environment.

The Gathering Place ministry at Houston’s First Baptist Church is designed to meet the needs of adults diagnosed with early to moderate stages of memory loss due to dementia, stroke, or injury.

Participants enjoy engaging social interaction, exercise, food, and fellowship – all in a loving safe environment. The ministry is open to Houston's First families, as well as anyone in the greater Houston area.

In partnership with Interfaith CarePartners, Houston's First offers The Gathering Place as a support for those experiencing the loss of independence. Such loss is a common occurrence in the “faith overcoming loss” phase of life as identified in Houston's First’s Equip framework.

If you are interested in participating in The Gathering Place, contact the Pastoral Care office at Houston's First. You will be asked to complete a registration form that provides information about the Care Partner wishing to participate

A member of our team will visit with the Care Partner in his or her home to determine if The Gathering Place is the right fit. If so, the Caregiver along with the Care Partner will be invited to attend the first meeting.


Every 1st Mon of the month @ 10a–1p — The Loop (Fellowship Ctr)

Contact Dan Miller in Pastoral Care for registration at 713.957.6764.

Common Ground

Common Ground is a free Caregiver assistance program of Houston’s First partnering with Interfaith CarePartners. Common Ground meets at the same time as The Gathering Place — on the first Monday of each month from 10a–1p — and is available for Caregivers of persons with dementia and Caregivers for persons with other diagnoses and conditions


For More Information

Please contact Debbie Portilla at 713.957.6763, or simply fill out the below: