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Preschool & Kindergarten

Volunteer with First Friends

Thank you for your interest in serving First Friends at The Loop Campus! To volunteer or learn more, get in touch with us through the volunteer interest form:

Volunteer Interest Form

The following are opportunities for service in First Friends:


Life Bible Study Team If you want to make a difference in a young child’s life and teach them about Jesus, then volunteer as a Room Leader or Teacher in a Preschool Life Bible Study class! Work with other volunteers to help every child feel loved and secure while building biblical foundations in their hearts. Room Leaders and Teachers serve with in all ages (babies through kindergarteners). Curriculum and lesson plans are provided as well as on-going training.

Busy schedule? Serve once a month as a Heart2Heart volunteer (rocking babies, singing songs, and partnering with an employed teacher to teach preschoolers about Jesus). We also need substitute teachers!

Connection TeamDo you like greeting and helping people? Make the best first impression for the Preschool Ministry as part of the Connection Team. When families visit our church you will assist them in getting their children to the correct rooms and answer other questions they may have.

Heartland Volunteers — If you are excited about worship and you want to help PreK & Kindergarteners learn how to express their love for God through singing, then volunteer in Heartland. You will model worship by participating in singing and listening to the Bible story. After worship you will connect with children in smaller groups by helping at centers and breakout activities.

Door Security Team — Protect our little ones by keeping eyes on the entrance to the preschool area, making sure that only appropriate adults have access to our children.

Prep Room — Our volunteers help with everything from craft prep to envelope labeling. These are various things that help out our teachers and full-time staff, and are necessary for ministry to our littlest ones.


Preschool Mission Friends — If you love missions and want to teach children about God’s love and how we can share it with the world, then volunteer with Mission Friends. You will partner with employed teachers to care for children and teach them about different missionaries and countries. We focus on a different country each month.

Wee Worship Leader — Lead a rotation during Mission Friends on Wednesday nights for babies and 1-year-olds, introducing praise and worship to the very youngest preschoolers with shakers and pre-recorded songs.
