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Car Care Ministry

Men, without your help this ministry will be ineffective. In order to serve with the CCM, please register online and specify your skills and any tools you are able to bring.

All CCM events are held at the church and are for light maintenance including: oil changes, fluid checks, air filters, brake inspections, battery changes and assessments.

"Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men, knowing that you will receive the reward of an inheritance from the Lord."

-Colossians 3:23-24

Want to serve as a volunteer mechanic or help at a CCM event?

The Car Care Ministry (CCM) is a ministry geared towards the single parent and widows of Houston’s First Baptist Church. CCM is dedicated to providing automobile service and minor repairs for these individuals whose budgets may be stretched to the point that maintaining transportation for work, family needs and everyday life becomes a heavy burden.


Due to our Safeguarding Protection Policy, if a minor wants to serve at the Car Care event as a volunteer mechanic, they may only attend if they are with a parent or guardian, and must be registered with the adult/guardian. No exceptions allowed.

Due to our Car Care Ministry Policy, the parent or guardian must be male. The male parent/designated guardian for the event, must register the minor under his name. No exceptions allowed. The Car Care event is a men-only event; therefore, we are requesting only male parents/guardians serve alongside the minor at the event in order to create a designated event for men to serve and fellowship alongside each other.

By you registering the minor under your name, that is telling us the parent has given their permission to you, for you to serve alongside their child, and you are now responsible for the minor for the duration of the Car Care event.

We leave the decision up to the parent on whether they allow their child to drive to/from the event with the designated male guardian.

If you are registering a minor, but you are NOT their parent/legal guardian, please provide us with the name, phone number, and email of the minor’s parent/legal guardian within the designated fields in the online registration.

To register, scroll down to the "Upcoming Dates" section and click on the link for the next upcoming event.

Upcoming Dates

  • Sat, June 7, 2025 @ 8a–12p — The Loop (South Parking Lot)
  • Sat, Oct 4, 2025 @ 8a–12p — The Loop (South Parking Lot)