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Mentoring Ministry

Lp Men Ignite Groups Pi

2025 Ignite Application Window is Now Closed

The Band of Brothers men’s ministry of Houston’s First invites men to participate in a transformative mentoring ministry called Ignite Groups! Ignite Groups are small groups of men that are in the same season of life (Summit or Sojourn Single Adults, Engaged or Married Young Adults) who are led by mentors from a season ahead. These groups create a confidential space for men to be real, share their stories, grow spiritually, and be poured into by the mentors as they share their godly wisdom and life experiences.

IGs require a 9-month commitment. While not a bible study, the monthly IG discussions will focus on application of biblical truths in core areas of a man’s life.

To participate in an IG a man should:

  1. Be a member of Houston’s First Baptist Church
  2. Be active in a Life Bible Study class
  3. Complete the application linked below before the November 15th deadline.

Each mentee will be expected to be committed to:

  • Meet with a small group once a month, in person, for the consecutive 9-month program.
  • Complete the required homework - including the book for the month, scripture memory, and homework assignments.
  • Reach out to my mentors and other mentees monthly via text, call, or email.
  • Attend the Ignite Group Launch Party on Thursday, Jan 9, 2025.
  • Attend graduation (Date TBD but probably mid-october)

The application process for mentees will be open to active church members October 15–November 17, 2024. Spots will be limited as we aim to steward our resources well and offer a quality mentorship ministry that will have a profound impact on the lives and families of our younger men, as well as the future of our church.

If you have any questions, please contact the Band of Brothers Men’s Ministry at the Loop campus.

2025 Application Window Now Closed.

Ignite Groups

Ignite Groups are small groups of men that are in the same season of life (single young adult, engaged, young married) who are paired up with mentors from a season ahead. These groups create a confidential space for men to be real, share their stories, grow spiritually and be poured into by the mentors as they share their godly wisdom and life experiences.

Connect with Band of Brothers Men’s Ministry

Need to get in touch with someone with a question or comment? Call us at 713.957.7681, or simply email us below.

Meet Our Staff

Men's Ministry
Eric Reed

Eric Reed

Minister to Men and Assistant to the Minister of Education
Raul Caban

Raul Caban

Men's Ministry Administrative Assistant
Eric Reed

Eric Reed

Minister to Men and Assistant to the Minister of Education
Raul Caban

Raul Caban

Men's Ministry Administrative Assistant