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Grow Groups

In the struggle of life, men often find themselves isolated or alone. Scripture teaches us that it is never good to be isolated and that when we fall alone, we are in mortal danger. In the Band of Brothers we know that “a man alone is in the Danger Zone.”

We need to find Godly men that we can count on. Men who love us in sincerity and strength. Men who will tell us what we need to hear, not what we want to hear. Men who will pray and fight for our freedom. Men who believe in who God is calling us to be.

Men's Grow Groups are just that: Men intentionally gathering to connect, serve, and pursue transformation through Jesus Christ — being committed, gracious, transparent, and accountable with one another.

A Grow Group is a group of 3-6 men who come together regularly in a grace-centered environment to pursue life transformation through a balance of transparent connection, prayer, Bible study, accountability and service. A Grow Group is not a curriculum; rather it is a way of relating to others that is biblical, balanced, and beneficial.

How do I get involved in a Grow Group?

Ask your Life Bible Study Director or Men's Grow Leader in that class to help you get involved with a Men's Grow Group.

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View Life Bible Studies here.

Men's Grow Groups

In the struggle of life, men often find themselves isolated or alone. Scripture teaches us that it is never good to be isolated and that when we fall alone, we are in mortal danger. In the Band of Brothers we know that “a man alone is in the Danger Zone.”

Connect with Men's Ministry

Need to get in touch with someone with a question or comment? Call us at 713.957.7681, or simply email us below.