Gather at The Loop Campus or online on Sundays at 9:15a, 11a, or 4p.
Find streaming links and other resources when you PLAN YOUR VISIT.


The HUB Students

As a Student Ministry we want to do our best to equip you, parents, as the primary discipler of your student! We believe that God has uniquely equip you to minister and develop your child’s walk and relationship with the Lord (Deut 6). With that being said we want to do all we can to help!

NextGen Ministry

As a church we want to come alongside and help parents learn about how God has gifted them to be the primary disciplers of their students. That’s why we offer lots of tools, resources, and events JUST FOR PARENTS!

For more details check out the NextGen page


Wednesday Nights, from 6:30–8p during the school year, Houston’s First offers additional discipleship classes for adults. The HUB Student Ministry hosts and sponsors specific ones to target parents of students! Topics to be covered but not limited to, are: Biblical Worldview, Technology, Apologetics in the Home, Biblical Hermeneutics for Parents, and Personal Evangelism.

We invite you to join other parents as we walk through these topics over the years to better prepare you to disciple your student!

Get more information at the Equip Page.

Life Bible Study

We know that we cannot give anyone anything that we do not already have. This is why we want to encourage you, if you are not already involved, to consider joining and Adult Life Bible Study! This is a great way to make this ‘big church’ small, make friendships with other parents, and grow in your walk with the Lord!

Find a list of classes, times, and locations on our Life Bible Studies page.

Parent Path Experiences

JH Outback Texas

This is a weekend experience for parent and child to connect/reconnect and grow as a family. JH Outback includes teaching sessions, worship, adult leaders and family coaching all while being in Brenham, TX on a Ranch! It’s a beautiful time together as a family unit to repair or deepen relationships. We encourage completed 8th and/or 9th graders to have this experience.

JH Outback often happens twice in the Spring and twice in the Fall. For details please visit

Parent Resources
