Gather at The Loop Campus or online on Sundays at 9:15a, 11a, or 5p.
Find streaming links and other resources in our SUNDAY TOOLKIT.



Sunday is the best day of the week! Coming together as a church family is encouraging, equipping, and empowering. Kids need that, too!

  • 9:15a — Life Bible Study for Kids & Family Worship | Clubhouse Worship for 1st & 2nd Graders
  • 10:45a — Life Bible Study for Kids & Family Worship | Clubhouse Worship for 1st & 2nd Graders
  • 5p — Family Worship | Clubhouse Worship for 1st & 2nd Graders
  • 6:30p — Life Bible Study for Kids

Family Worship — Leading kids to worship their heavenly Father is one of the greatest privileges and responsibility of any parent. We encourage kids’ families to worship together each week during Family Worship. “My Worship Notes” are available to help kids focus and receive Pastor Greggs main points each Sunday.

Clubhouse Worship for 1st & 2nd Graders — The Clubhouse is a fun and exciting worship opportunity designed for younger kids. In The Clubhouse, kids will learn to participate in age-appropriate worship packed with Bible lessons, music, and activities that reinforce the biblical content and helps move kids toward congregational worship with their family.

Life Bible Study for Kids — Life Bible Study (LBS) provides one of the best times for 1st-5th graders to learn about God while interacting with children their same age. Our small group classes give kids the opportunity to study scripture through the lens of Jesus. Kids participating in LBS will chronologically walk through the Bible while focusing on Jesus the whole way.

All volunteers in First Kids have gone through our Safeguarding process and are approved to serve in NextGen Ministries.

More Info on Safeguarding
