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What's Next?

Lp Chn Whats Next 2023

Becoming a Christian is the most important decision that anyone ever makes. Therefore, First Kids is very intentional with families as they journey through this important time.

One way that we help families disciple their child on this journey is by offering a “What’s Next?” class for kids who are asking questions about salvation and baptism. In this class kids will hear what it means to be a Christian, how one becomes a Christian, and the role of baptism in a Christian’s life. This class meets every other month during the 10:45 LBS hour.

Following the class, parents will be encouraged to schedule a one-on-one meeting with their child and our Minister to Children, Bill Emeott or the Associate Director of Children’s Ministry, Kim Shelby (at least one parent is required at this meeting). During this meeting we will discern where the child is on his/her spiritual journey and then together determine next steps.

Upcoming Schedule

Click one of the following dates to enroll your child in one of our upcoming What's Next classes. The classes will be from 10:30a-12p in Room 307 on the following days:

Jan 19
Mar 16
May 18

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