Gather at The Loop on Sundays on campus or online at 9:30a, 11a, or 4p.
Find streaming links and other resources when you PLAN YOUR VISIT.


Daycation is a summer day camp open to children entering 1st - 9th grades in the Fall.

Daycation is here to share the love of Jesus Christ by teaching the Gospel and representing Jesus in a fun, creative and encouraging camp experience. For more information and links to register, visit our website.

Daycation Website

Meet Our Staff

Daycation Team
Liz Mindiola

Liz Mindiola

Recreation Associate/Daycation Director
Jason Ritch

Jason Ritch

Daycation Administrative Assistant
Liz Mindiola

Liz Mindiola

Recreation Associate/Daycation Director
Jason Ritch

Jason Ritch

Daycation Administrative Assistant